Inner Alchemy Conversations w/ Xavier Dagba

E11 - NO, you are NOT your own worst enemy.

Xavier Dagba Episode 11

In this video, we dissect one quite popular self help slogan "you are your own worst enemy". That saying can sometimes cause more inner disharmony than it can help us reclaim our power. We explore how you are actually NOT your own worst enemy. You are actually not your enemy at all.

The parts of you that seem to stand in the way, are pointing at inner conflicts were inner resolution is required.

This is some of what we explore in this episode.

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You've probably heard of this slogan.

Very popular.

You are your own worst enemy.

And in my opinion, this saying can cause more inner disharmony at times than it actually empowers us.

If you're new here.

My name is Xavier Dagba and I'm your host.

And I hope this conversation sparks more self liberation.

So let's go back to the slogan.

You are your own worst enemy.

Let's dive in there.

I would love to acknowledge first that the intent here is to really realize that your power has always been in your hands that no one else out there really has the capacity to block you the way you can to hinder you the way you can.

And that is really invaluable to keep in mind.

Realize, to acknowledge, to internalize.

I think it's really important to embrace that, to hold on to that.

But there's another part here that is really critical to remember in the saying, you are your own worst enemy.

Very often.

We step into this perspective where we want to wage a war to the parts of us.

Let's see to be standing in our way that seem not to support our power or or our empowerment.

A few examples, the people please are inside of you, the sav inside of you, the impostor inside of you.

You may even have a, an addict inside of you or any other aspect that you see are dysfunctional that you think is not really supportive of your empowerment.

So we have a tendency of wanting to wage war with this part.

We have a war against the critic, a war against the saboteur, a war against a procrastinator.

And in my opinion, when we do that, what often happens is there is so much energy invested in fighting the patterns that we see as dysfunctional that we have very little energy available to create something magnificent, something beautiful.

Now, the natural question that may come up is should I just let them have their way?

Should I just let all these patterns run the show?

Should I let my critic run the show?

No, that's not what I'm inviting you to do here.

What is really important is to actually realize that by fighting a pattern, we don't resolve the conflict by fighting a pattern.

We don't create more inner harmony.

But there's something important about a shift in perspective where you actually bring compassionate curiosity towards these patterns, where you learn how to be, to flirt with them in a way to get to understand them more, who romanticize them to a certain degree, to understand where they come from, become aware of the hidden forces that are motivating them.

Because every single one of them is an adaptation.

Every single one of them is pointing towards something that may need resolution.

And when you are willing, just willing to bring your compassionate awareness there, what happens is just you have a real chance at dissolving the hidden forces that are causing all these patterns or parts of you who stand in the way of your expression of your power.

If you wish, I am offering this perspective that there is no part of you that is truly against you, even when it seems like it, there is no part of you that is truly an enemy, even when it seems like it and there is only you can only try to repress these parts for so long.

Have you realized that every single time you try to push down the part, you tried to push down the critic, you try to silence all these, you know, gremlins inside your head.

Have you realized that sometimes they just appear again and they keep appearing again so we can live from this place where we're like, I can only be at peace within myself when they are all gone or we can live from this place where we have created resolution or reconciliation with these parts.

And every single time we see them, it doesn't need to mean that we are not worthy of love that we are not empowered.

It doesn't need to mean any of that the gift of bringing compassionate awareness to these parts instead of seeing them as enemies is true that self compassion directed at these parts, there is a dissolving of the inner conflict that has a real chance to actually happen.

And that is what is available here.

There is true integration that is actually available.

And if you're interested, if you're actually interested in integration, inviting you to go get my free shadow integration mini course, it's free.

I'm gonna leave the link there.

You or you can go on my website free shadow integration mini.

Course, it is where you're gonna learn how to reconcile with these aspects within you.

So they so that they lose the capacity to hijack you.

And that's a really important thing, a really important skill to be able to cultivate with within oneself.

Because when you do that, there is actually no enemy within left.

When the door is open for your empowerment, for your unh unhindered self-expression.

And that in my opinion, is one of the highest invitations of this, of these times.

There's no enemy within absolutely not.

I know it's a wild thought, but I'm inviting you to sit with that because through this framework, you have a real chance at creating inner peace, at meeting with compassion, these parts at dissolving the emotional conflicts that were stored in your body and repainting the aspects that seem to be standing in a way.

I hope this is helping and if it does, please share it with people who might need it.

Go ahead and get the free shadow integration mini course.

Thank you for being here and I'll see you in the next conversation.